
    1. Write notes about the following ray tracing topics:
      1. Finding the intersection of a ray and a transformed CSG primitive (e.g. the unit sphere)
      2. 2D extents and 3D extents.
      3. Finding points in shadow
      4. Secondary rays
      5. Finding points of intersection with compound CSG objects.
    2. Describe how to find the points of intersection of a ray and a generic cylinder. 
    3. Describe how to find the points of intersection of a ray and a sphere.
    4. How is the ray in the direction of reflection derived?
    5. Briefly describe distributed raytracing. Why is it used?             
    6. Describe Projection extents and 3D extents, when are each used?           
    7. Realistic photographs exhibit Depth of Field. What does this term mean and how can it be simulated in Raytracing