SFML Vectors

SFML supports 2D and 3D (geometric)vectors;

    sf::Vector2f pos;
    sf::Vector3i col;
	sf::Vector2f v1(16.5f, 24.f);
    v1.x = 18.2f;
    float y = v1.y;
    sf::Vector2f v2 = v1 * 5.f;
    sf::Vector2f v3;
    v3 = v1 + v2;
    bool different = (v2 != v3);

The documentation for 2D vectors is here.

The 3D vector documentation is here.


Vectors can be manipulated with the Transform class

 // define a translation transform
 sf::Transform translation;
 translation.translate(20, 50);

 // define a rotation transform
 sf::Transform rotation;

 // combine them
 sf::Transform transform = translation * rotation;

 // use the result to transform stuff...
 sf::Vector2f point = transform.transformPoint(10, 20);
 sf::FloatRect rect = transform.transformRect(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, 10, 100));
sf::Vector2f verts[3];
sf::Transform t;
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)


Vectors and OpenGL

Vectors can be used to represent vertices & colours in OpenGL.