A Raspberry Pi Facial Recongition Access Control System.



Enforcing physical security practices is just as important as employing cyber security measures for companies and corporates. The Pi Facial Recognition Access Control System (Pi FRACS) is a solution offered to companies and corporates that are looking to deploy physical security means to secure equipment rooms, server rooms or even building access in general. Pi FRACS utilizes advanced facial recognition technology to ensure accuracy and protection against fraud and impersonation. As facial recognition is the current trend, overtaking other biometric authentication methods, this solution is perfect for access control.

PI FRACS consists of a desktop application on a Raspberry Pi computer, that allows the system users to interact with the system to login/register and gain access to rooms/buildings. A web application is also provided, for the system administrators to view access logs, and for normal users to modify their information stored in the system.

Meet the Team

Hoda Ahmed Cybercrime & IT Security 4th Year Student

Researcher, developer & tester

James Egan IT Carlow Lecturer

Project supervisor & guide


Research Manual

Functional Spec

Design Manual

Technical Manual

Final Report

Usability Report

Contact Me

Want to get in touch? Send me an email to hodaahmed7999@gmail.com and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

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