Social Proximity

The application:

Social Proximity in a social Android application which allows users to find other near users, to know the distance with them, to know their common interest percent and to discuss with them without sharing phone number or other private information.

This application also allows you to add other users as friends in order to be able to chat with them later without having to research them again. You also can use a blacklist to block people who disturb you.

Future evolution:

Some major evolutions will be added in a close future, here they are:

- The possibility for the user to add his own interests which will have to be linked to categories corresponding approximately to current interests. With this feature, user will be able to specify exactly his own interests and categories will allow to find users with similar interests, even if they are not exactly the same.

- The possibility to organize and to participate to event discussion, for instance during a festival, a convention, a concert... which will allow all the participants to chat together and especially to add other users as friend in order to continue to chat after the event is finished.

Social Proximity - Screenshots

Students : Bastien MATHIAS, Antoine TEUF

Delivered on: 22-05-2013
Application realized as final project during 3rd year at IT Carlow.

© Antoine Teuf