Reader Comments on "Programming the Network with Perl"

Some readers are kind enough to send an e-mail with comments. Here's a representative selection:

"Just a very quick note to say how much I have enjoyed reading and using the material in your book. I've mainly used Perl for web-type programming in the past. Your book has opened up a new range of possibilites for me to explore." [ ]

"I really enjoy your book. It is really clear and concise." [ ]

"... I have been tasked to come up with a course using your book ... Your book is excellent. It compares very favorably with Lincoln D. Stein's "Network Programming with Perl", which is also a great book ... I think my students and I are going to have fun with this class." [ ]

"I really like your book because it goes beyond creating web servers and web clients with sockets, which is what most I/O books deal with." [ ]

"Just received a copy of your book. I noticed that it was coming out from your use.Perl; article about three weeks ago, and my initial reaction was * oh my god, he's writing about Agent and Class::Tom *. After briefly reading through chapter 6 can I just say well done. You took at couple of under-documented, rarely-maintained modules and did an excellent job writing about them. You have no idea what a relief it is to see that this is the case ... Another thing that I was very pleased to see was Perl being taught at a University level. For far too long this hasn't been the case. After seeing the success of Java and its ilk, I am convinced that Perl's success in the future is tied very closely to it being accepted and taught at a University level." [ ]

"... I think a packet sniffer is an excellent way of showing how the different layers of the RM fit together ... Your coding style here is clear and consistent, the examples are too. I also think your incremental steps in functionality are both a good way of introducing new topics and show how writing reusable code makes the coders' own life easier." [ ]

"... definite kudos on the book. I'm happy to recommend it to anyone I know who needs to do network programming and testing ..." [ ]

"For anyone working with largish networks (>1000 ports) I cannot recommend a better book..... Why?.... Because if you want to learn how to stop fire fighting and automate configurations of your routers and switches then this really is a great book. This book demonstrates how to build tools required to do interesting things such as sniffing @ L2/3 and build apps to create flows on networks. In summary I would say this is a "Learning Perl" for network engineers! " [ from Geneva, Switzerland, posted to ]

"... great text! ... Great job!" [ ]

More comments will be posted here as I receive them.

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