Last Updated
February 22, 2010
Projection & Viewing
- What is the synthetic camera? What are its components?
What is the viewing transformation? Why is it needed?
- Derive a set of equations equation (or a matrix) for perspective projection.
- What is pre-warping? What is its effect on the view volume?
- Draw diagrams showing the difference between parallel & perspective projection
- Why does perspective projection give a more “realistic” view than parallel projection? Visually, how do these two projections differ? (7 Marks)
- Describe the steps required to transform a vertex in model space to a point in screen space. Illustrate each step with a diagram.
- Given a polygon mesh describe a flexible system of viewing this polygon mesh.
- Describe the components and features of the Synthetic Camera.
- The synthetic camera model requires that point coordinates be transformed from World coordinates to Viewing coordinates. Derive a matrix to carry out this transformation.
- What effect does the projection matrix have on the view volume? How is this effect useful?
- Given that the centre of projection is at E(0,0,-en). Derive an equation in u, v, n for the perspective projection of a point P(pu, pv, pn) onto the u-v plane.
- Draw three diagrams representing the View Volume; (a) before pre-warping (MsMp); (b) after pre-warping and (c) after normalisation. Clearly indicate on the diagrams to position of key components. The diagrams should be drawn in the v-n plane.
- Derive a matrix to convert from world coordinates to the viewing coordinate system of the synthetic camera.
- Derive a matrix MTOT, which transforms a window in real world co-ordinates to a viewport in Normalised Device Co-ordinates.
- Given a general rectangular window defined in a 2-D world cordinate system and a general recangular viewport defined in NDC, derive a matrix which will trandsform a point in the window to a corresponding point in the viewport
- Prove that the view volume for a perspective projection becomes an parallelepiped when pre-warping is applied.
- Describe the three components of the synthetic camera viewing system. Include in your description how each component is defined.
- Describe the effect of normalisation on the pre-warped view volume.
- When viewed by a perspective projection, which of the following properties of a model will be preserved: lengths, angles, parallel lines, and straight lines?
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