Last Updated
February 22, 2010
Vectors & Matrices
- Which of the following 3D points with {x,y,z} coordinates is closer to the origin: {3, 5, 1} or {4, 2, 3}?
- u and v are non-zero vectors in 3D space. If u × v={0,0,0}(cross product), what can we say about u & v?
- How would you calculate the displacement between two points?
- What do we call the operation of adding a vector to a point?
- Can we have a vector with a negative length?
- How would you calculate the angle of a vector with the x-axis?
- Can we scale a vector so that it's length is exactly 1? What should the scalar be?
- What is the dot product of two perpendicular vectors?
- How can we calculate the angle between two vectors?
- What is the dot product of a vector with itself?
- How can we calculate the projection on e vector onto another?
- What is the difference between a point and a vector?
- How can both (2,3,4) and (5,-3,1) represent the same vector?
- What is the position of the vector (4,2,8)?
- What is the displacement between point (4,5,6) and point (-3,2,-1)?
- What is the head-to-tail rule?
- What is do we get when we displace the point (2,5,8) by the vector (1,2,3)?
- What is the operation in the previous question called?
- What is the length of the vector (6, 3, 2)?
- What is the slope of vector (3,-9)?
- What angle does the vector (1, √2) make with the x-axis?
- What is the vector that lies at 53.13° to the x-axis and is 5 units long?
- What vector is twice as long as (3,6,1) and is collinear to it?
- What vector is one unit long, but in the same direction as (6,3,2)?
- What is the dot poroduct of two perpendicular vectors?
- What is the dot product of the vector (2,3,4) with itself?
- What does $ \frac{\vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}}{|b|} $ represent ?
- How is the cross product defined in two dimensions?
- Compare $ \vec{a} imes\vec{b}}$ and $ \vec{b} imes\vec{a}} $
- What is the right-hand rule?
- What does $|\vec{a} imes\vec{b}| $ represent?
- What is the negative of a matrix?
- What happens if you add a matrix to its negative?
- What happens if you transpose a matrix twice?
- What is a an Affine Transformation?
- What is the benefit of using Homogeneous coordinates in graphics programming?
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