Last Updated
February 22, 2010
Visibility Processing Questions
- Identify 4 problems with the z-buffer technique
- What are the two goals of an efficient visibility processing system
- Compare octree subdivision with regular spatial subdivision, in particular
identify the advantages of Octree over regular subdivision
- How can an octree be used to determine visibility
- Outline the steps used to construct a BSP tree of a scene
- Outline the steps needed to extract a visibility ordering from a BSP tree
- Create a BSP tree from the following faces. Process the faces in alphabetical
order, each faces' label is on the faces' positive side.
- In the BSP tree created above, clearly identify the location of the viewpoint.
Generate a near-far ordering of faces based on the position of the viewpoint.
- How do we determine which side of a plane a point is on?
- Given a plane defined by a point (4,5,8) and a normal vector (0.5,0.8,0.0),
determine if the point(6,8,1) is on the positive or negative side of the plane.
- How does changing the direction of a camera affect the ordering produced
by a BSP tree?
- How are faces in the BSP tree culled against the view volume?
- How are portals used?
- Describe a system to identify potential occluders at build time
- Describe an approach to quickly check if an object is occluded or not occluded
by a face
- Describe an method to accommodate moving objects without modifying
the BSP tree
- Outline a procedure to restore a BSP tree after a node has been removed
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