Where can my project be seen?

Well in short, you can see this type of software in a lot of blockbuster movies lately like dark knight and avatar. Avatar especially really took facial motion capture to another level. Every character who was animated in Avatar was a real person, the actors had a Maya created full body rig which matched their own dimensions just much taller. Even the animals were real animals, the animal the navi rode on were actual horses with motion capture markers on them and reanimated into a new Maya rig. The movie used over 200 cameras on set when recording any small scene, this kind of investment hasn't been done before and as you can see the result is amazing. As cameron says "This is not an animated film, it is a captured performance". Now this type of software can be seen in games too, Call of duty 4 and 5, Metal Gear Solid 4 which is still the most expensive game ever made and many other games. As you can see, the most expensive movie and game ever made invested big into motion capture and look at the results, one of the best games on the decade visually and the same with Avatar. This is a technology which is only starting to take use now and for me anyways its incredible what can be done with it.

What is my favourite piece of Facial Motion Capture?

I personally found the use of Facial Motion Capture in Gears of War 2 to be my favourite. The game sold millions and won numerous game of the year awards in 2007 but the game for all but one video in the game used key framing but in one scene in the game they switched to Facial Motion Capture. For me it is one of the most memoreable pieces of gaming I ever came across just because of how dark and how well they showed the emotion in it. Key framing is well known for well leaving a blank face, like the whole game dom and marcus who are the key characters have an angry look on their face and it never changes but when dom eventually finds his wife who was taken hostage, then Facial Motion Capture is used, so that the emotion can be truely shown. See doms wife was a prisoner of war and needless to say she had given up on life and dom just really couldnt take it, seeing the characters reaction and seeing the emotion being really shown is memorable for me anyways. This scene is without a doubt my favourite piece of Facial Motion Capture and is one of the main reasons I developed an interest in it.