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Listed below are links to useful or interesting applets I have found on the Web, most of these demonstrate ideas disscussed in class.

I also have a page of links to information and applets which about simulating various dynamic systems (click here).

Mesh Models

Bezier Curves

Parametric Function Viewer( Cornell University)

Surface of Revolution Demo( Cornell University)

Bezier Curve Demo (University of British Columbia)

Poly and Cubic Spline Demo (University of Maryland)

B- Spline Demo(University of Michigan)

Bezier Patch Viewer( Cornell University)


Perspective Projection Demo(Cornell University)


AntiAliasing(Cornell University)

TextureMapping(Cornell University)


Mach Band Demo( Cornell University)

Phong Reflection Model( Cornell University)

Phong Lighting Model (University of Colarado)

Phong Flat Surface (University of Colarado)


CSG Viewer ( Cornell University)



 © Ken Power 1999-2001