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Schedule for 4th Year Graphics  (Provisional)

Week 1

Introduction to Graphics + Rendering Pipeline

Week 2

Mesh Representations

Week 3

Generating Mesh Models

Week 4

Generating Mesh Models

Week 5

Modeling Transforms, Building a Scene

Week 6

Projections, Perspective Projection, Orthographic Projection

Week 7

First Assessment

Week 8

Synthetic Camera

Week 9

Generalized Projection

Week 10

Stereo-Viewing, View Volume

Week 11


Week 12

Normalization, Canonical ViewVolume

Christmas Break

Week 13

Window to Viewport Transformation 

Week 14

Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm

Week 15

Second Assessment

Week 16

Polygon filling

Week 17

Back Face Removal, Clipping Polygons

Week 18

Hidden Surface Removal

Week 19

Introduction to Lighting and Shading

Week 20

Ambient, Diffuse, Specular Lighting

Week 21

Colour Models

Week 22

Flat, Phong and Gouraud Shading

Week 23

Third Assessment

Week 24

Introduction to Raytracing,

Week 25

Primary Rays, Secondary Rays

Easter Break ( The position of the Easter break will move from year to year, it might not occur between weeks 25 and 26)

Week 26

Constructive Solid Geometry

Week 27

Intersections and Extents

Week 28


Week 29


Week 30


Final Exams

 © Ken Power 1999-2001